White collar crime is monitored in a far more aggressive manner. Most radical groups and terrorist organizations use bank fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, credit card theft, hacking etc to launder money, plus the SEC can crawl up your ass and take it all away from you and then some in a NY minute. Penalties are much stiffer, ask Bernie Madoff.

The bread and butter is and always will be gambling, shy locking and porn...the blue collar rackets can give criminals a hell of a run if they run a smooth book before getting raided. White collar crime always leaves a paper trail or at least an electronic fingerprint, ask Mike Franzese.

Either the white collar or blue collar have the same common denominator...a sharp tool called RICO. If you actually read the act, it's not hard to get wrapped up into one. ND Law Professor Robert Blakely was anti-mafia, this the "very broad" and somewhat open to interpretation law has hurt many of the top mobsters in the U.S. My two cents.

As Uncle Charlie used to say, "Never get into pissing matches with skunks."