Iwo Jima and gay rights? The two don't even fucking equate. That is highly disrespectful.

I regret to say that though I wish this was the end of the issue it won't be. Little Nicky and Wiseguy are right in that respect. From what I've seen online and people I've talked to the push for equality will continue. The list goes something like this:

-Amendment to the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 to cover gays and lesbians

-Statewide anti discrimination bills

-Prevent gays from being fired, lose housing, or refused service

-The assistance of homeless youth, which some claim are disproportionately transgender or gay

-To receive the same privileges and benefits straight couples do

Thoughts? I know this sounds admirable, but I have a bad feeling this movement, like Civil Rights and feminism before it, are going to be hijacked by extremists. I've already seen a few people on facebook question religious protection, as it is a choice and shouldn't be valued under the law. This troubles me.

Tolerance is only achieved when both sides realize the folly of attacking each other viciously. If the left truly is all about tolerance, they would extend an open hand to their former adversaries and at times, oppressors. But now it's about an agenda.

I have a question for all of these activists. When does it end? When is true equality attained? They usually don't have the answers to those questions.

What I want is tolerance, freedom, liberty, and justice. But it seems when one group gets it, they turn around and take it away from someone else. It's happened countless times throughout history.