I admittingly don't know much on the issue but sounds like Meldish burned either his supplier or didn't payback the cash to finance a purchase . Drugs still a big part of the game for a few crews out there and 3 fams are still notorious for it , even today - excluding weed .

I'm don't have any knowledge on a Harlem beat down some have stated so that would be good info

But I think this is where things are now , an occasional out of control or informant associate hit every once in awhile and rarely gambling related as I know several guys who beat out on multi thousand in debts and they just blacklist everywhere as a lot of these books are loosely connected either by lay offs or managing a package into one of the monster books instead of banking it yourself ,which is smart as it drives the gambler crazy and the bookie might just get back some of his $.

I will say something could be up here in NJ as I know of a long term package guy that just went dark , that to me means someone is hot right now . Just my opinion of course