I know that it is not all aimed at me and I have these arguments with my friends all of the time so its cool, but by way of background... I am the first person in my family to have gone to college and I was born in 1975. I have had a US passport since the age of 17 that I paid for with my own money to travel after high school with friends with money that I earned from summer jobs. I have a bachelors degree two masters and a JD. I have traveled extensively and work helping people immigrate and assimilate to the United States. (That is my job). I understand and respect all cultures, but when it comes to foreign policy you must understand that although not perfect the United States is the shining light on the hill compared to other nations. If that were not true, then 60% of the earths population would not be trying to come here.

It is not blind patriotism, but reality. I am not a chest beating patriot although I love my country and believe that when we do things we do it for the right reasons. Do I believe that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and that Bush believed that, No. We went there to kill terrorists and that is a good thing. We created a sandbox there so as not to fight them here. Do I think that an embargo on Cuba because they are communist while we trade freely with China is fair, No. but Castro regime are murderers and need to put out of business. Talk to a refugee who floated 90 miles on a raft and ask them where they would rather live. Ask a Persian Jew or Christian where they would rather live. An African, a South American, a Moldovan a Pole for Christ sake and it is here. We may be far from perfect but our imperfection is by far better than what most others are offering.