Padrone, you think the US isn't responsible for sponsoring terrorism??

And to call the invasion and subsequent apocalypse of Iraq "misguided" is a bit of an understatement is it not?

You need to look at things objectively and realise just how the USA's actions around the world are actually viewed by other countries and the potential for conflict which it raises. People with the insular attitude of some chest beating "patriot" hick, coupled with the ignorant opinion that every other country outside the US is somehow backward and must be westernised, is as crazy to me as radicalised muslims screaming allahu akbar over dead bodies.

How they even form this opinion is beyond me...only 20% of US citizens actually even have a passport, so how or why they feel qualified to shout about any invasion of other countries is ridiculous. You're last President didn't even know where Iraq was ffs!

Thats not all aimed at you by the way Padrone