Originally Posted By: TheKillingJoke

A few years back me and a couple of friends went on a trip to London (a friend of mine has family living over there). We were in a shopping street and me and two others went inside a store, while there were two of us that wanted to stay outside to smoke a cigarette. All of the sudden, when the three of us walked back out of the store, we saw that there were two Bangladeshis attempting to mug the other two friends that waited outside the store. One of them even pulled out the most pathetic knife I've ever seen in my entire life. A friend of mine, apparently unaware of the dangers, immediately ran to the guy with the knife and smashed him in the side of his face pummeling him to the ground. Thankfully, a security guard, a black Jamaican man, also saw what happened and came to us. The two muggers took off and ran away, while the security guard called someone (don't think he called the police, I think he was calling other guards to look out for them). True story.

Sorry to hear that and glad none of your were hurt. And since nobody was hurt....we can joke about it.

Guy in your avatar didn't pull out a knife, but a gun in the same setting.

Originally Posted By: TheKillingJoke

With Sri Lankans there's no religion that plays into role, but a lot of the young Sri Lankans, especially a few years back, still had an absolute tribal mentality. There were a load of feuds going on between Sri Lankan youngsters, leading to vicious fights, sometimes involving samurai swords. In some cases with fatal results. I've never heard they bother a lot of people outside their own community though, but between each other there have been nasty feuds going on.

A lot of Asians in London and elsewhere in the UK tend to concentrate and keep to their own community. That's true for the Muslim groups such as Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, but it's the same for Indians (especially the ones coming from a Sikh background) and Sri Lankan Tamils (a Hindu group). And that's fine, a lot of working class whites, Turks, Albanians, Chinese,...all tend to stick to their own community. But the thing, especially with Bangladeshis, is that they're all extremely concentrated in a few neighborhoods (Tower Hamlets in East London for instance) where they're an extreme nuissance for anyone passing though that isn't like them. There are even unofficial Sharia courts operating in neighborhoods with a large Bangladeshi contigent. Of course, I'm sure not all of them are like that. But while I've heard in quite a lot of cases of friendly interaction between native whites, blacks, Turks, Chinese, Albanians,...and even Indians and Pakistanis, I've never heard that when it comes to Bangladeshis. Nobody seems to like them, not even the Pakistanis.

Fair enough. I've written on the site before about how there are more advanced and less advanced ethnic enclaves of people from the same place, so perhaps that might explain the differences between the reaction to Bang. in different places.It applies to every immigrant group.