I have read that Joe Profaci gave a large amount of money to the church and religious based causes BUT, when it came to his own men who made his money for him, he was viewed as stingy.

The stinginess I understand. It has been going on for centuries and will never go away as long as we have a capitalist society BUT, what I do not understand is Profaci's reasoning for contributing so heavily to the church......Did he actually think that when his time came to die and he had to meet his maker, these actions would have any significance?
Money is man made and doesn't leave this world.....Now if he personally did good things for other humans, maybe that stuff could hold some weight in the afterlife....Right?....All the Gallo crew wanted was some more bread for their personal family :o). They were hungry!

Maybe, Joe went through the same type of mental problems that the famous Al Capone went through....As in, the people he killed, haunted his mind every day and he began to see ghosts and hear voices.

Nevertheless, I just find it rather odd that a man who gives orders to kill, does sucha thing. I actually am surprised that the other bosses did not have him whacked out for such strong public ties to religion.....Wasn't there a Bonanno soldier, who's only violation was going to church regularly?.....He was killed out of fear that he might flip....His name evades me at the moment.