Originally Posted By: mike89
Insn't that Vince Piscotta in nick for burning out a restuarant or something......dice.....you think the rat would of killed the gay kid.....seems a bit harsh.

Yeah Pisciotta (made) and Sorrentino (long time associate) are both doing time for arson. Without question he would have killed him, he was from a different time and place in society. He killed Stino for breaking up with his daughter. He most certainly would have killed Sams, my opinion of course. Cammisano was harsh, I guess you would have had to live here when he was still alive, until the day he died he was feared in this city. Of course Civella and Deluna were feared, but that feared stemmed from their positions in the family. Willie was feared personally.

Last edited by joey_dice; 06/21/15 07:42 AM.