Originally Posted By: domwoods74
The rotating panel allegedly consisted of cirillo , dentico , barbeto , Leo , bellomo and muscarella

In 2009 Benny Mangano, Barney Bellomo, Ernie Muscarella, and Larry Dentico were reported to be on a rotating panel.

Cirillo, Barbato, and Leo weren't mentioned. It was Cirillo who reportedly established the panel back in the 1990's. And, of course, he was acting boss at one time. Leo was also said to be on the panel before becoming acting boss himself. Barbato, who I'm not sure is still a captain, hasn't been mentioned in some time.

In 2011, Tino Fiumara was reported to be on a 3 man panel running the family prior to his death.

And last year it was reported the family was still likely using a rotating panel of leaders.

This is all we really have in recent years on the top leadership of the Genovese family. People need to quit trying to fit things into the standard boss/underboss/consigliere model because that apparently hasn't been the case in nearly 20 years.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.