Originally Posted By: Longislandguy14
Originally Posted By: pmac
Last thing on a wire tap prisco 2005 saying he would prefer Barney over Leo as boss. If didn't know when he was summoned by Leo at xmis time 05 if it was a promotion or his death.

That was the thing that stood out to me when I was reading those wiretaps. A guy as heavy as Prisco thought there was a possibility he was gonna be killed or given some cash. Talk about keeping guys in the dark.
You gotta give Prisco credit though, he told his driver if that what is supposed to happen then so be it or something like that.
I wonder how close Angelo was to john Leto, the guy who got caught for Angelo S murder and testified against Angelo P and Doc Giaccone.

Do you have a link to where you are reading those taps from? I would like to read them.