Originally Posted By: British
Are there any families large or small that have nothing to do with drugs? ?


Originally Posted By: British
We all know the 'deal and die' bullshit, but did any families really stick by this ?


Originally Posted By: bronx
nobody stuck to this rule.the guys who made it broke it


When I was a teenager and the Purple Gang was nearing the end of its peak (the mid to late '70s), you had unmade H guys moving monster weight to the PR's and kicking up DIRECTLY to guys like Fat Gigi, Buckaloo and Sammy Black. Another broken "rule." The "rules" are applied according to who's getting paid, and how it's distributed.

And those unmade guys, who, under the "rules," should have been chased for moving product to the PR's and kicking directly up to skippers?

Of the ones who are still alive, 75 percent of them are captain or higher with either the Westside or the Luccheses.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.