Something similar happened last week here in the Netherlands. There is this TV show that puts cameras in public places and then they record the reactions of people when something unacceptable is done or said by actors. Last weeks episode was about a girl with a headscarf(actress) that was shopping and she was being discriminated by an employee(actor). Most people defended the girl. However there was this one woman who appeared to be agreeing with the shop workers insults. Apparently they edited what she said and apparently she never even agreed with the insults but they were talking about shoplifting in general without referring to Islam or the girl. She was actually defending the girl when the shop worker started to insult her.

Thanks to social media the edited footage of her ''discriminating'' the girl went viral. The poor woman has become too afraid to leave her house because of this crap. All the network did was apologize and say that she signed a contract. Legally she can't do anything against the network I think.
To quote the dude: