Originally Posted By: Alfanosgirl
Originally Posted By: Dellacroce
Originally Posted By: OldSmoke
I tried searching for any comments on this but came up short, so if there's a discussion on this and I missed it--my apologies.

Anyway, did anyone catch this last night? Whatdya think if you did? Not sure how I felt about it.

I could only get through 20 minitues. I turned it off after they showed lucky luciano speaking from a podioum announcing the new board of directors of the five families and everyone was sitting around applauding like he was announcing the oscar nominations.

lol lol I found five things wrong with it before the first commercial break. When Luciano said con-siGGGG-lee-air-ee instead of actually trying to pronounce the word correctly I knew that it was going to be a waste. I mean, this could have been a great series but they got "experts" like Vincent Pastore commentating on it give me a break. Then they had that kid who played Benny I think it was get in a scrap with another kid and the kid can't even throw a decent punch. I like when the actors get down their specifics. They need to OWN the role they play. So that didn't happen. Where are the accents? There aren't any.
The funny thing is, is that I will probably watch the whole series just because I want to see how many things they got right and how many more they got wrong? tongue

Haha ya it reminded me of billy crystal in analyze this-

"Let me tell you something. There's no nobility in poverty. I've been a poor man, and I've been a rich man. And I choose rich every fucking time."

-Jordan Belfort