@Black sheep

It's the social justice mentality. Bullying and threatening is okay as long as it's the 'right' people doing it to the 'wrong' people. But in reality they barely differ from neo nazis or white supremacists. The beliefs are different but the tactics are the same. But I can deal with a neo nazi much easier. They voice an opinion on Jews or how Hitler was a great man, they'll get shoved in a corner and ignored by the general public, derided as racist lunatics. Social justice warriors are regarded as heroes and fighting for equality. What they really are, are angry little shits behind a keyboard.

A friend of mine in college who was a strong catholic got ashes on her head for Ash Wednesday, a tradition within the church. She got repeatedly made fun of and mocked and I'm thinking to myself if she had been Muslim or some other minority religion the world would have gone crazy. Double standards at its finest

Last edited by rockstar_man45; 06/17/15 12:27 PM.