Originally Posted By: getthesenets
When Air America used to be on the radio, there was a host who used to say often that she was a Black woman. Because of the history of race mixing in this country, it's hard to look at someone and tell if they are Black or not(or have Black blood or ancestry) but this woman didn't look ANY parts Black.I was puzzled by her consistently saying that she was Black.

I expect her to pop up sometime in this story.

Randi Rhodes

Rhodes was born in Brooklyn, New York and grew up in a Jewish family[1] in both Brooklyn and the Queens borough of New York City. Her father was a mechanical engineer and World War II veteran, and her mother was a dress shop worker; they divorced by the time Rhodes was 15.[2] Rhodes has described her adolescence as mischievous and cites it as why she enlisted in the United States Air Force.[2][3] Her married name is Randi Robertson;[4] Rhodes is a stage name chosen to honor Ozzy Osbourne's guitar player Randy Rhoads, whom Rhodes describes as "a consummate professional ... but he always practiced. I mean, he practiced eight hours a day. He lived to be the best."[5]