Originally Posted By: SonnyBlackstein
Originally Posted By: Blackjack2121
They still have some loose political ties as well as a good working relationship with the biker gangs and black drug gangs.

Source? And please cite for all three examples. Cheers.

My two cents for best prep for 5-10years. No change on the ladder ie Gen #1, Gamb #2, Lukes #3 but in terms of who fares the best in relation to how they stand now, the Lukes.

The WS and Gamb will take the vast majority of LE heat, focus and resultant damage.
Coupled that they're both twice the size also gives twice the chance for rats etc.
And all other factors are the same. All three still have Unions and institutionalized rackets, all have had a good run and enjoy good, stable leadership.
The diff being the Lukes cold fly under the radar with LE and being smaller, less likely to suffer rats.
So whilst I dont see the power order changing, it could well narrow.

The political ties are mostly in the form of a certain Italian judge, that seems to be referred a lot of cases pertaining to people in the detroit mob and connected to the detroit mob. And for some reason those cases are always seem to be sentenced well below the recommended guidelines. I think he may have even been investigated...not sure on that one. I am going all off the top of my head so I cannot recall the name right now.

The black drug gangs were dealt with with Nove Tocco(rat) and Paulie Corrado. I suspect some sort of relationship is still there to this day but I am not sure who would be the point man on it. They don't directly deal, rather give out loans to drug dealers for their shipments and are paid back with a vig.

The biker gang ties go back decades, with the outlaws and more recently the Highwaymen of Detroit. Tocco even put a hit out on Harry Taco Bowman, the Detroit Outlaws president of the time, but he was indicted and sentenced to life before anything could be done with him.
Frankie the Bomb Bommarito is or was the liason for the biker gangs and the mob. When Jackie the Kid took over, he immediately demoted the bomb and took most of his rackets. There was even a late night meeting to squash things but the Bomb felt it was a hit being set up and didnt go through with it. Once he was demoted, tensions between the mob and the biker gangs were at an all time high without the bomb, who the clubs respected as an intermediary.