Pizza, it's nothing personal. Easy big guy! I'm only giving my take on Murder Machine. It's just like with any book....everyone pulls away from it with something different. For Yours Truly, Murder Machine was anticlimactic. I fully expected Walter Mack to do a sweep and clean up New York the way the book read and progressed. But as a resident of New York City I knew something went wrong and had to read to the end of the book to find out what it was. And that something, was Ghouliani.

You're right. I'm busted. I'm no street guy. Never was. Only use a classic mafia boss as my avatar. But I can read. And what I read implied to me that Giuliani created the Commission case in the sense that he re-directed indictments to very top of the mafia. But he did not do the legwork, the detective work, or put in the hours building the RICO evidence. He didn't even appear in the book until relatively later as you turned the pages. Before him, every wise guy in New York City was in jeopardy. Walter Mack and the rest of them had a squad for every mafia family, and these squads were run like mafia families themselves. I continue to be mesmerized by the recount of history in Murder Machine.

Nothing against you. I certainly am not happy people went to jail. It's a double loss, or quadruple. It's bad for their victims, bad for the victims' families, bad for them, and bad for their families. No one's gloating.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."