Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
Pizza, I have a different take on that scenario.

Of course, you do.

Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
If Joe Bonanno doesn't write the book, Giuliani doesn't step in to take over Walter Mack's operation to suck up the credit, then instead of a Commission case where only the top guys plus Whack Whack go down, instead Walter Mack cleans out Ozone Park, Bensonhurst, and where ever wiseguys thrive becomes wiped out like Detroit. Ghost town.

Giuliani's mission is life was to break the mob. And although he failed, he did quite a bit of damage because he understood their mentality. Walter mack doesn't.

It's like when, pre-Donnie Brasco, they'd drop off agents from Wyoming on Mulberry Street and expect them to not get noticed. The old ladies were yelling out their windows in three minutes. Fact. My Uncle had a club on Baxter. I'd see the old coots yelling with my own eyes "dey cummin, dey cummin."

Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
In other words, Giuliani protected the mob.

Please. Protected my ass. How many of YOUR fucking relatives did he put away? The man I look up to most in the world, outside of my own father, will die at Coleman because of that cocksucker's crusade (even though Giuliani was long gone by then, but he helped put things in motion).

Alfa, I think you're a brilliant young man, an incredible researcher, and a great writer. But you just don't get the street angle. And you never will. I'm around it all my fucking life. I've kept myself straight. But I've lost more loved ones to Giuliani than you have at your average family Christmas table.

That's it. Please respect me there because it's not somewhere I usually go. But my temples are throbbing so hard right now that I could strangle someone until they turned purple and their eyes popped out. So enough with Giuliani. Please.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.