Originally Posted By: Serpiente

No real logic" behind it other then they, start scratching" and clawing" at each other . Just look at the gas scam with Michael Franzese he started out alone" before it was over there were 3 or 4 families" going after the same racket.
That's just one of thousands ,and most times guys die from the good ones.
And or get so greedy they get busted because of the greed and then it moves up the chain..

Aha. Thanks for explaining that. I remember the gasoline tax scam. And the way M Franzese explained it on TV was hilarious. But yeah, that was some kind of animal that was too big for him to ever tame. I also agree with you that too many schemers and successful schemes makes for a much stronger RICO case.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."