Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
Originally Posted By: Serpiente
I agree with the others above . But not knowing much about all the families I would have to say it's staying as it is .The one thing all of them have going for them that has not been ,is that they have more coming out of prison then going in. How long this is aloud by LE never know . But one thing I do know that the young guys need role models . It just makes it much more the way it was before ,and was ment to be.Very ugly the way it has gotten to be . The quality of guys is very important in that life . From what I have seen it was the first thing to go . They always had a few in each family ,they were usually the hitters and the smart more classy guy was your earner . But when that balance gets out of whack other things follow.

Serpiente, you said something interesting in there, at least to me. You said too many hitters, no good, and too many classy money earners, no good. I can use my imagination concerning the too many hitters. But what is the usual outcome when you have too many classy earners? I honestly don't know.

No real logic" behind it other then they, start scratching" and clawing" at each other . Just look at the gas scam with Michael Franzese he started out alone" before it was over there were 3 or 4 families" going after the same racket.
That's just one of thousands ,and most times guys die from the good ones.
And or get so greedy they get busted because of the greed and then it moves up the chain..

Last edited by Serpiente; 06/12/15 03:29 PM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."