Over here it seems to be getting easier now for these young homosexuals. I went into this "all girl" store Justice to buy my daughter some clothes specifically dresses and a dude was walking up to me with a name badge. I was thinking to myself what a smart guy...he can pick up on chicks while he works making some cash. Then, the guy opened his mouth to ask me if I needed help and I stood there with my mouth open. This guy is gay. Very over the top gay wailing his arms in the air and putting his hand on his hip. I thought I was going to puke cuz I honestly can't accept it at such a young age and I may need to work on that hang up of mine if I want to shop there. He was extremely confident and happy.
Years ago that guy would get beat up for working in an all girl store or even in the ladies or girls department. You just couldn't do something like that. How times have changed.
Macy's has some over the top teen gays working there also. I've encountered a few in the girls department. Oh my, what a darling little gray sweater! This just came in! Then from there I got a coffee at Cinnabon and I asked the gay teen if he could mix two different coffees for me cuz I don't want all flavor but just a hint. He went crazy again I witness the flailing of the arms all over the place. He thought that was the best idea EVER to mix them up.
These gay teens I encountered were all very happy and seemed confident. Good for them.