Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: night_timer
Those gays are all bullshitters and softies. Drugs are rampant in gay nightclubs and with the drugs and the nightclub ownership comes organized crime.

Drug addiction in young gay men often stems from the self-hate. It's self-medicating. I pity them. They have to learn to love themselves as they are or they'll never get off the drugs.

I'd imagine being a gay teenager is a very tough thing to do.

In high school, "fa***t" was the most common insult I ever heard. Nasty word. Much less prevalent now than it was even ten years ago, at least in Hollywood. My brother is much younger than me -- I don't hear his friends throwing it around, but they might be more guarded when they see me.

Anyway, though, high school is an awful place. Kids are so fucking mean to each other. Being a homosexual kid... The self hate mostly comes from the hate outside. Just look at how proud gay men are lambasted -- they're called "flamboyantly" gay. The message: keep your gayness to yourself, it isn't normal, you're a freak, etc.