Cops obviously cant go around shooting people when they feel like it, however, we don't know what was said between the two of them and really why he started running. I'm not making excuses for the cop, but, again, I don't think its a bright idea to go around trash talking them. If I go on holiday to nearly any european country and did that to the police Id get a severe kicking, possibly not in the UK but cops here have basically been castrated anyway. Although, go into nearly any airport in Britain and Id do EXACTLY what the cops said...they have automatic firearms everywhere.

My point is, what gives everyone the right to immediately jump on the racist bandwagon without even acknowledging the fact the victim is, and always has been, a total asshole criminal anyway, who happened to be black. Yes, there are better ways to deal with criminals, i don't think this is offered by anyone as a solution play with fire, your gonna get burnt.

I reckon the majority of middle class, black americans will sick hearing about protest marches etc. We had it in London a while back which led to the riots..I wouldn't have cared less if the cops had napalmed the city centre at the riots' peak to be honest. It would've got rid of a generation of totally illiterate, criminal scumbags, black and white.