What bothers me the most about this is that it's consistently shoved down our throat that transgenderism should be considered "normal" behavior. And that anyone who thinks otherwise and has a different opinion on topics like this should be labeled a socially maladjusted degenerate.

You can't believe how much shit I get from a large amount of my peers when I openly state that I find there's something terribly wrong with transgenderism. Shit I find homosexual behavior pretty distasteful -without pointing my finger at the persons as INDIVIDUALS (I have met some gay men that as persons were alright), it's just the act I find distasteful- so I'm not going to lie and pretend I find there's anything normal with transsexualism because I find that ten times as worse. And if those people have the right to express themselves in their homosexual/transsexual/whatever way in public, I feel I have the right to express my opinion about it. Doesn't matter how negative that opinion might sound to a lot of people, it still is my opinion and I have every right to express that. Because everytime I see obvious transsexuals parading down the street in a major city -and yes also here in Europe in any major city there are plenty of obvious transsexuals and crossdressers walking around- my stomach turns at the sight of it. I'm not going to be violent against them, but it's just the sight of it that I find so distasteful that I can't help being disgusted.

But whenever I openly state outside of my own social circle (which is mostly composed of people who share my opinion on this matter) that I find transsexuals quite distasteful, I'm immediately labeled a sociopath. And that bothers me. Because transsexuals, who not in any way, shape or form practice what I call standard behavior are described as "normal". But I, as someone who expresses his own honest personal opinion on that matter -and I feel I do have the right to express my own fucking opinion as long as I'm not getting violent- on the other hand am considered "abnormal".

I know transgenders can't help the way they are. It's their nature. I get that. All well and good. But at the same time, I can't help my churning stomach either now can I?