Kansas City does not operate as a viable family per any definition. They operate as a loosely coordinated crew with their interests remaining in gambling, book, fencing, adult clubs and drugs. While there is a hierarchy (boss and underboss) it is mostly ceremonial with the boss mostly retired or inactive.

The "boss"

John Scritino


Pete Simone

There are no capos as there is really only one crew remaining. There are 16 (+/- 2) made guys left alive. Of those 5 are in prison.

The members who are still very much respected and operating are

Vince Civella
William Cammisano JR
Jerry Cammisano
Pete Simone

These guys are the experience and provide guidance for the rest.

Contrary to a post by Stern 48 there has not been any meeting recorded by the FBI, CIA or PTA that recorded the family closing shop. This was a figment of Stern's imaginiation as one of the supposed attendees was still in prison at the time of the alledged meeting. No rather time and attrition are the reason for the demise of the family. Of the remaining members not in prison the following are retired.

Joe Ragusa
Paul Varsalona
Nate Brancato

If you have any questions just ask .