Originally Posted By: Serpiente
I have been hearing all kinds of thing from people close to Nick that went to a hearing or one of his family told I really should not say.And it is possible they have the copy's of what being said in court.Don't know for sure.

Amouso keeps coming up as boss ,out of the mouth of FBI from what I am hearing.(but most know he is boss weather a lighting rod or what ever)
Everyone keeps saying that the moneys Perna was / is kicking up unseated Nick jr as skipper ,not true Pernas kicking up anyway no fucking choice they kick or Die...

The whole thing was Nick jr getting a lot of made guys from other families to join him in taking some rackets form Philly.Don't know if it was a take over .

There is many reasons why he was doing this at this time .
money ,power ,and Skinny still in the can at the time and uncle Joe would have had to go along cos his Boss is Nick jr father was also pulling strings while there was lots of money to pull it off.Only if NY said yes ....

Now if it would have went through with out Amuso knocking Nick jr. down then it would have happened.(uncle Joe would of had to go along).

I know many don't get what I am saying ,but it will be coming out or is already out (some of it is )there was three or more families in this scam .
Nick jr. was not put down to soldier cos of Pernas money ,he was put down for not clearing this take over it through the bosses.

There is more to it ,cos it possible it was cleared by someone in NY but the other or ruling panel shot it down.
This all depends who is the real boss of the Lukes.

This is old news but many don't know that the Gambino's around or before this were close to taking out the Philly administration meaning the top three I would guess.
This was also comfirmed by Feds .

It is looking like Amuso is boss but just the head with say ,just will be over ruled if that is possible.
I will be hearing more of this as long as the people still are going to court or getting some type of copy's of whats going on .

I hope this came out legible" ,if not I am sure someone can put it right .....

@ Blackjack, ehem, the bolded. That's where I got the "a lot of made guys from other families" statement. And it's also said that the Perna's had little to do with Nick Jr being busted down to soldier and that it was indeed moreso his attempt at a "takeover" of Philadelphia LCN rackets, and not clearing it with his bosses. If I'm understanding Serp's post correctly, Nick Jr had the ambition, the know how, the guys, his father and the money to pull it off to at least a marginal extent. But he went over some peoples heads with the whole thing, people who mattered, and he paid for it.

Yet still, the simple idea of Scarfo Jr being able to garner some serious backing for his supposed "takeover" is still pushed aside as simply being ridiculous. Even with Serp's acknowledgment of the Gambino's considering taking out Philly's administration, effectively closing the Philadelphia families books for the foreseeable future. And with the informants and files which have come out or been leaked through reports since, which all but confirm that many important people within the LCN world, at least on the East Coast, weren't at all happy with what was going on in Philadelphia at the time, as well.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 06/08/15 09:20 PM.