Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
Originally Posted By: Blackjack2121
You are entitled to your opinion just like I am entitles to mine, which remains, it was a weak attempt that never got off the ground.

He would have been squashed anyway. He should have took the hint when he got it in Dante and Luigi's. Skinny would have quelled him pretty easily imo.

I always kind of felt bad for Scarfo JR. for some reason though lol

Not for nothing, and perhaps Serp never meant it like this, but the quote does say that he was busted down for getting a lot of made guys from other families to back him. The attempt never got off the ground but it seems to be much more than a "weak attempt", if whats said is indeed the case and true. At the very least this is Nick Jr having the ability to plan, and reach out, even if it's mostly because he may have enamored many with promises of money. With his earning power, that certainly possible. And none of this is to say that he'd be able to get any of the Five Families to back him, but I'm just saying, it seems as if he may have been able to perhaps buy the assumed participation of more than just a few guys from various families in NY.

If I took Serp's comment completely out of context, then I apologize.

When did he ever say a lot of made guys? He said guys from other families. Could be 2, could be 3, could be 5. Not sure where you got "a lot of made guys" from.

And in his above statement, he even remarked...a take over of some rackets and a last ditch effort to put SR. in power.

There are tons of half cocked plots thought about, and put in the planning stages that don't pan out. Doesn't mean there was ever a serious threat and I doubt anyone in Philly was worried about Scarfo Jr. coming back.

And that was one of the reasons he was busted down, the Perna's or whoever were plotting to take his spot from him and used that as a push. (Might not have been a Perna, trying to recall off the top of my head)