I have even herd it put as taking rackets. I don"t know if it was a complete family take over .Also don"t if they were able to gain control over the most lucrative rackets. There for gaining some what control . One more thing if he/they were able to would this have been a last ditch effort for the old man to be put back at the top of the family . Who knows ,but it is out there and maybe it will all be exposed in the transcripts of his court case. I know it is in black and white already ,somewhere,and so is the attempted murder's and or take over by the Gambinos I've seen that in black and white saying they were going to take out the top three in Philly"s administration.

Last edited by Serpiente; 06/08/15 03:10 AM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."