Good posts Gets, however there is a people (men specifically if you like) are who they are and whatever their feelings about how they are judged, we all either accept it, or do our bit to change wider perceptions. The difference with transgender is that, in my opinion, the individual expects others to entertain their fantasy...or else-it's simply not true that they are what they say they are. I find that extremely offensive-if I suddenly said my dog was a cat and demanded you always treat it that way, then threatened legal action against you if you refused to accept my lies, how would you feel? Especially if I COULD actually win the's life imatating the old fable "the emporer's new clothes". It's not about live and let live, societies are slowly becoming more and more fucked up because of individuals thinking they are oppressed and subsequently being given a platform they never deserved to spout their threatening message of equality. I've said before, any race or gender etc who has REALLY suffered serious inequality, genocide, intolerance surely can't sympathize with transgender people-especially considering they'd have you believe theyve suffered just as much and expect the same level of airtime.