Originally Posted By: getthesenets
I don't believe that people should apologize for existing.

Some of you have expressed animosity towards towards the growing trend in America(and the West) to stigmatize White men, just for existing.That just by the fact that you are alive and breathing, that you are directly to blame for most of the worlds "isms"...racism, sexism,etc.

I've had discussions in real life with people for years where I expressed my feelings about people wanting me to apologize for BREATHING. Like I am personally responsible for every crime that ever took place and that I cannot move freely within society . I was told to stop playing the victim card, and I kid you not...many of these same folks are now expressing some of the same stuff I used to say. That they are made to feel directly responsible for female victims they never violated, Africans that they never enslaved, murdering people in death camps in Europe, or oppressing people that they never even met.That they must somehow apologize for living as a white male in America(or the West).

I've always said that unless or until something happens to you , it's VERY easy to dismiss it or trivialize it.

I said all that to say that whoever and whatever a person is, they shouldn't have to apologize for living and breathing air. Jenner and some real life people are being open and honest about who they are.I don't have to care, empathize with them, or accept it...but this is still America and they shouldn't have to apologize for being who they are.

I agree 100%. Solid post gets, I always enjoy your insight