Originally Posted By: Blackjack2121
Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
Does it ever occur that perhaps Nick Jr. hasn't flipped has little to do with his father, in the sense of him being afraid of his father, and that Nick Jr. is just built tough like that? Which doesn't mean he has to be a tough guy or a kneebreaker, he just believes in old school LCN values, taught to him by his father. Pelullo wasn't involved in this so-called "Philly Takeover", and it's questionable how Nick Jr. used him anyway, as in most of those meetings in which Pelullo were recorded, Nick Jr wasn't present for any of them, and Pelullo would just mention Nick Jr. as being the power behind him. No Lucchese support? The guy was a capo at one point, his crew alone would of had to have gone along with him.

According to Serp, three other families were involved in this "takeover" with Nick Jr. But it reached certain ears in NY and was ultimately put down, right along with Nick Jr.

Nick Jr is no Tony Accardo, but I think the myth of him simply being a lapdog for his father with no brains or ability of his own, is being proved false for the most part. As said, he earns circles around most guys in Philly, he earns circles around most guys in NY too, if you're to believe the feds.

So his Lucchese crew would have went to war with Philly? Really? They may be small but have quite a few capable killers.

Besides, they obviously wouldn't have went along with it...as he was demoted once the boss' got word of it.

It was probably someone from his crew that reported it, since it was such a stupid and crazy idea in the first place.

We don't know ANY of the details of Scarfo Jr's supposed "Philly Takeover", who's to say who got behind him and who didn't? Under the common rules of CN, his crew had to go along with him, of course these "rules" have been proven to be bullshit over the years, but if you're one of those "old school guys", your crew is expected to go along with whatever your orders are. We don't know if he just upped and went "I want to take over Philly", someone said "no" and immediately busted him down to the rank of soldier. Things don't happen like that anyways from what history tells us.

Things are planned first, kept between certain parties, feelers are sent out, and things happen. According to what's been said in this thread by some pretty knowledgable people, Jr managed to get guys from at least three other NY families to go along with his plan, until it was squashed. Which proves right there that this was a scheme that was discussed and concocted over time but never ultimately got the "ok". Scarfo Jr had people behind him, I don't believe there's any denying that. Whether they were the right guys, remains to be seen.

And I simply don't agree with the viewpoint of Nick Jr. spending all these years in prison, for all these crimes, never saying a word as far as ratting his fellow criminals out, being the result of his fear of his father. Do you suspect that once Scarfo Sr. dies, Jr. is just going to make an immediate about face and spill the beans about everything? I don't, I don't see that being a part of his character.

And also the whole "he'd never be involved if it wasn't for his father", well we can say that about ALOT of mafiosi, almost all of them in fact, yet that doesn't make the offspring any less capable. And while he very well could have been a millionaire legit, keep in mind that he got to be millionaire anyway, and that the start of all of his earning were through illegal means, the guy was knee deep in his fathers rackets, including the semi-legal ones like Scarf Inc. Like his brother Chris, Nick Jr. had a choice at the end of the day, and he did what he wanted to do. Leonetti can downplay Nick Jr and his ability and overplay his "fear of his father" for being the motivation behind his life, all he wants. Bottomline is Nick Jr, can hold his head up around his comrades and do his time, something Leonetti can't do. And I highly doubt that that's solely because Nick Jr is afraid of his father, who is imprisoned for the rest of his natural life. Not saying that to imply that either man is better than the other, just saying that there IS motive for Leonetti painting a caricature of his cousin, that may not be all the way true.

But if Jr. does indeed flip, I'll eat my hat and take all this back. But until then, I stand by my opinion.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 06/07/15 10:15 AM.