Originally Posted By: TimmyTwoTimer
all I'm saying is the police are probably full of it. maybe the guys they caught are heavy hitters, with their use of the phrase "significant dent" to the drug trade, but if they are they caught them bunting. i suppose it's better than catching the guy pushing grams and 8-balls on the street corner but what they caught them with doesn't justify their claims

The 'Ndrangheta has surpassed some criminal organizations when it comes to trafficking drugs, specifically cocaine, in the Canada, the US & elsewhere. Part of the reason for this is the amount of satellite groups they have in the Caribbean, the UK, and through control of the ports in Calabria and other places. They may have caught these guys with mid-level stuff, but they're likely just trying to put together a paper trail, hoping it leads back to some of the bigger names.

The Verduci theory is interesting, if he was killed as a debt to settling old scores, I wonder if the other murders which occurred after Rizzuto's death, were also done to wipe the slate clean so to speak. Like Ducarme Joseph.