Originally Posted By: Blackjack2121
Originally Posted By: cookcounty
Originally Posted By: VegasMikey
It's funny to see posters like the guy from England or wherever the fuck, all of the sudden interested in philly nowadays. A couple years ago it was a joke like they were defunct according to some people. The thing is though, that people from somewhere else could never understand, it is the culture here. There's no shortage of fresh blood and dollars to fight over.

everybody knows there are eligible mafia and arch criminals of all color in philly

they fight so much because they don't have much territory to share

for some reason they don't expand into other states

Ummm what?

You should stick to only commenting on two bit street gang hoods.

shit the philly mob operates more like a street gang then most street gangs

i thought it was long stated that the philly mob doesn't have much turf

hence all the power plays, they're wouldn't be so much infighting if they were making money