Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
Does it ever occur that perhaps Nick Jr. hasn't flipped has little to do with his father, in the sense of him being afraid of his father, and that Nick Jr. is just built tough like that? Which doesn't mean he has to be a tough guy or a kneebreaker, he just believes in old school LCN values, taught to him by his father. Pelullo wasn't involved in this so-called "Philly Takeover", and it's questionable how Nick Jr. used him anyway, as in most of those meetings in which Pelullo were recorded, Nick Jr wasn't present for any of them, and Pelullo would just mention Nick Jr. as being the power behind him. No Lucchese support? The guy was a capo at one point, his crew alone would of had to have gone along with him.

According to Serp, three other families were involved in this "takeover" with Nick Jr. But it reached certain ears in NY and was ultimately put down, right along with Nick Jr.

Nick Jr is no Tony Accardo, but I think the myth of him simply being a lapdog for his father with no brains or ability of his own, is being proved false for the most part. As said, he earns circles around most guys in Philly, he earns circles around most guys in NY too, if you're to believe the feds.

So his Lucchese crew would have went to war with Philly? Really? They may be small but have quite a few capable killers.

Besides, they obviously wouldn't have went along with it...as he was demoted once the boss' got word of it.

It was probably someone from his crew that reported it, since it was such a stupid and crazy idea in the first place.