Originally Posted By: dsbaloo
it makes me laugh that stuff like this is really illegal and feds and other agencies put time and money into disrupting them.. at the same time I wish I owned one of those companies.. good money to be made.. both legally and illegally.

These are being prosecuted by the state, in Ohio the OIU investigates this stuff along with the local law enforcement of the cities where the machines are. Any cash they seize gets whacked up between them and the DA office.

So then you agree they should be shutdown and any money they made seized. maybe sent to Jail?? You say u want to open A parlor but don't want to get popped. So these machine operators face limited competition from only people willing to break the law. I think they should just make it legal for anyone who wants to put machines out there. but exclude anyone who was doing it illegaly before the new law in place.