Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: rockstar_man45
Well now it looks like the President weighed in, saying he admired Jenner's courage. Times have changed that's for sure. I can't think of one US President other than our current one that would openly speak about or praise this. Very interesting.

Did he admire General Greene's courage? You know, the hero whose funeral that he didn't even show up for? The highest ranking officer killed in action since Vietnam?

He still can't utter the words Muslim and terrorist in the same sentence, yet he makes time to weigh in on this freak of fucking nature. Courage my ass. It's a repugnant money grab by a man who wants to be a lesbian. Freud couldn't have figured this thing out. And by thing, I don't mean the situation. I mean Jenner itself.

But this is America today. The President of the United States and the Khardashians joined at the hip. Disgraceful.

Jenner's courageous? Bull shit. He's selfish. A soldier who is willing to put his life on the line for his country and his fellow soldiers is courageous. A woman having the guts to leave her abusive husband is courageous. Not this freak. Makes me sick to my stomach that people are calling him courageous.
The only Caitlyn I care about is the stray dog that was abused and now getting treatment in Charleston, SC.

Dylan Matthew Moran born 10/30/12