One can never know about what Nick said or did when he herd the news. I also herd it a little different then I hear it here or on TV.
But it most likely is the crows last" scam !!! he did not want to do five years let alone any more .

And the Crows kid was a hottie back then..

So I think it was bull, Nick would have paid the bill for the lawyers and anything else ,he was old school like that . But if it came out Crow did something out of line ,we all know what he said.

I don't understand what was being said about the Blade in the post above,what do u mean he let him live and he did a ten years. Nick tried to get him off or less years.

I know he was always telling someone to kill him (it was funny) he did it often.(if you guy knew the Blade)u would say the same, and the shit he would do nightly...

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."