Originally Posted By: Malandrino
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: rockstar_man45
So Jenner's gotta new name now: Caitlyn. How do you like them apples?

Good point. He still has an Adam's Apple, so his asshole shouldn't be open for business. He's a freak, who's making millions off this exploitation. I have ZERO sympathy for him or his "confusion."

Please.. gender is something you GET TO CHOOSE. This is what Social justice warriors believe. The world revolves around their feelings and if you don't accept it then you're part of this global conspiracy, the biggest one yet, called the "Patriarchy" which is to blame for every single problem in the world.
If you don't accept that then you're automatically sexist/racist/ableist/[insert other shitty label here] etc.

Social Justice warriors are the fucking cancer of the internet. And I say internet, because these people won't show their worthless faces in public. They threaten, bully, whine, complain, scream and shout from behind a computer. The worst part about it is that they've taken words like 'racism' 'oppression' and 'discrimination' and completely twisted the definition. It's absolute insanity. They're worse than the 'bigots' they fight against(usually white males).

And what's even more peculiar is that issues like homosexuality, transgender people, civil rights, etc have been ruined and marred by these people. They marginalize and stomp all over the very groups they claim to protect. It's sickening and hypocritical to the 12th degree.

Back to Jenner. He'll technically be a lesbian. Whether you believe he's an actual woman is up to the individual. I say let him do what he (or she) wants

Last edited by rockstar_man45; 06/01/15 03:57 PM.