Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: rockstar_man45
I might feel more sympathetic were it not for the fact he is a part of the most attention seeking family in the history of America.

It's a money grab, plain and simple.

Originally Posted By: rockstar_man45
I could care less if she wants to be a woman

I think you mean it. "She" was born with balls. And this has nothing to do with homosexuality. Most gays are appalled by this nonsense.

You're correct. This has nothing to do with homosexuality in fact Jenner says he/she whatever prefers women.

That's interesting you mention the gay community. You know gay people who think this is bullshit?

Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane
I'm really not educated on this....does he still have his junk? Or can a dude screw him like he can a woman? He reminds me of the cop in Boondock Saints....

He's still got his junk. He can get it removed via surgery after about a year his doc said. The transition process is pretty long. I've known someone who's gone through it