Originally Posted By: Belmont
This whole zip thing has been terribly exaggerated. The fact of the matter is this, italians rarely come to this country any more, never mind some sicilians who want to get into and learn american rackets that no longer work.
Why would some sicilian want to come here and not only take bets but learn all about american sports? You could argue there are some that visit and get involved with drugs, im not disputing that, what i am disputing is the myth that they may take over.

That's absolutely correct.

I say it all the time. Even if the immigration laws still favored Western Europeans (and they clearly don't), who says they want to come here anyway?

This isn't 1900 where America is THAT much better off than Europe. If you're going to stay poor anyway, why uproot your life and leave a beautiful country?

I was merely pointing out that I know for an absolute fact that Sil was told not to propose any of the Sicilians that are here ALREADY. Because they're all too close to the Gambinos.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.