Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Both are finished. Cleveland appears to have a few more members still alive but what remnants there are in Pittsburgh seem to have been more active in recent years.

I agree with you 100%, and I never said otherwise. I shouldn't have used the term "organizational structure", because what I was trying to say came off wrong. In my post above, I wrote "I know -- much the same way as whats going on in Pittsburgh nowadays, too. No formal hierarchy or structure to be considered an actual mob "family", but remnants left who are still operating the traditional bread and butter rackets of the LCN, just maybe not in much of an "organized" manner."

I was trying to say, that it seemed Cleveland was in a better position in terms of "made guys" left, even if not all of them (or many of them) are still active today. They still have the resemblance of their former mafia family, with a boss and a few soldiers underneath of him (as of the 2011 chart that Mukremin made). Pittsburgh may have a boss, but to me that is simply a de facto title being that he is the last "made member" left, and he is 86 (or 87) years old now, on top of the fact that there is no "family" anymore like you stated.