I used to collect throphies from people. Then I thought better of it. Having these things can bite you on the ass one day so I dumped them all.

Last night was a little crazy. Went to my grand daughters play it her school. It was fun until I got pissed off with another parent. The fucking moron was taking a video of his daughter using his IPad. So he was blocking my view of seeing my grand daughter. I told him either spring for a small camera or take pictures out of your sit from the side.

My daughter and wife told me not to make trouble there smile so I told them "Fuck that I was not blooming his view"

Well I enjoyed the play any way.

Then when we got home my son called to tell me about my sophia my one year old grand daughter fell and hit her face on the coffee table. Her teeth went into her mouth so she was bleeding. He took her into the emergency room and she needed stitches. He did not know how many and he had to hold her down. He sounded all messed up.

I called him later she seems to be over it. Walking around and playing. He on the other hand and his new wife are the ones really messed up.

Having them over for a barbque on Saturday

only the unloved hate