Originally Posted By: furio_from_naples
Originally Posted By: Alfanosgirl
Good for her. Once a rapist always a rapist. I believe a criminal can change and become a productive member of society if he or she wants to. However, I do NOT believe a rapist or child molester can CHANGE.

I think that who rape a children and woman is an animal not a men,in belgium a man who for years has raped women and children because had suffered harassment as a child, he requested euthanasia ie he was killed because he knew that he couldn't change and was satisfied.
I don't remember the name but if I find it I will post the article.

I think they are animals too Furio. I'm so glad that guy was caught and in jail where he belongs. Sometimes these men can be living right next door to you and you don't even know it. When I was 19 I used to go swimming over my neighbor's house a lot. This one time I had an eerie experience. We swam for a while that day then everybody got out of the pool and went inside. I finally got out and while I was drying my hair off I noticed the Dad standing there watching me. It was DIFFERENT than someone just checking a girl out. He was intensely fixated on me like an animal hunting prey. It was completely creepy so I hurried inside to say I was going home. To this day I still cannot get his disgusting look out of my head.
A couple years later his wife told my parents that she was divorcing him because she found out he was molesting his daughter AND SONS. This was a very devoted Christian family who were very involved in their church and the community. Everyone was completely STUNNED when they found out just what an animal this man was. The therapist said that his real personality was a man who smoke, drank, visited massage parlors daily and was an addict to sex. The man all of us knew was a church bible thumping generous contributor to the church and community who ran his own business. His wife found out about this lifestyle when they switched insurance companies and he had to take a physical. Otherwise, she would not have ever found out. It was already TOO LATE the damage was done. It is utterly disgusting and horrid!!!! What an animal!!
Child molesters and rapists will NEVER change.