Turi you rascal! When I was about 25, I worked for a guy who was about 40. A young lady (21-ish) walked by and he did the death-stare at her buttocks as it passed by. Then he told he that as you get older your appreciation for the female anatomy expands - in age. You always admire the young female but as you get older the top range of admiration grows. So, if you're 50, you admire the anatomy of a an 18 year old, as well as a 50 year old and every woman in between. So over the years my range of attraction has included more and more women.

I could get jazzed over Mia Hamm and Sharon Stone and Meryl Streep and Sally Fields and Sophie Loren and ...... :rolleyes:

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12