The Clintons have nothing to fear. The die-hard Democrats are going to back them even if they grab some uzis and shoot up a kindergarten. Think about it: Bill was not only impeached but lost his law license and everyone knows he's been a serial wife-cheater for decades, but he is still the most loved Democrat out there next to Obama. He's made about $25 million in speaking fees alone (this is while his wife says that they're "poor").

Since Biden and Warren aren't running Obama is backing Hillary, although it seemed like the Obama administration was leaking some things about her a few months back. Maybe that's to keep her from criticizing him, the real Capo di Capi. The Republicans have no balls and have no interest in subpoenaing her server or servers, so the most they will do is ask questions and complain. The media (most of them, anyway) worship her and don't mind if she takes months to answer any questions, while in the meantime they'll stake out Rick Perry outside a bathroom to pepper him with questions.