Originally Posted By: Krsheely
Though would you agree that if chin had started as boss in 2010 instead of 1980 or whenever he did I don't think he would have lasted as long

None of them would have. You have to remember that when CN got off in the '20s and '30s, it was the perfect storm for them to turn it into a nationwide behemoth. Prohibition, crooked Tammany Hall politicians, an FBI that denied the Mafia's existence, and on and on and on.

If ANY of those old timers had to deal with RICO, and CSI teams, and sophisticated audio and video surveillance, and GPS tracking, and the Witness Protection Program, and on and on and on, it would have been over before it started. And, oh yeah, under those circumstances, one of them would have flipped. No doubt in my mind.

It's like comparing athletes from different eras. You can wax nostalgic all you want. But it really can't be done.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.