Originally Posted By: DB
Truth be told to live to his 60s in that biz from that area and not made , he did better than most

Are you serious? He was White trash to the nth degree, never had a dime in his pocket, and was barred from every wiseguy joint from the Bronx to White Plains. And, oh yeah, he died like a dog in the street.

Originally Posted By: DB
Maybe it's just me but it seems it's a new guard out there , a lot of names I haven't heard , which for CN is actually quite positive if true

But if you're hearing the names now how is that a positive? Two or three Bonanno kids just got their patches, and it was in the street so fast that they may as well have put it on Channel 12 Bronx News.

I love ya, kid, But you're way off base here. Mark my words, there's a big Bonanno pinch coming. That's not "inside information," or any of that nonsense that some of the online bullshit artists like to talk. It's just my gut.

And I guarantee the roof falls in before the first of the year. Because these kids should NEVER have gotten straightened out in the first place. It was a desperation move made by a guy who's finally coming to realize that he was never really the boss.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.