The 90s were a very interesting time for the mob

As much as we want to talk about a downfall for most of the 90s they still pretty much ran everything in the metro area in garbage , construction , gambling and the unions but to a lesser extent , not too mention the associates sold boatloads of drugs- coke and weed with a handful of the remaining 80s banana wholesers still around

The gambinos Columbis and Luchesse took a step or 2 back but the WS and Bonnanno scooped that shit up

Any when they lost the NYC garbage they just moved that shit to NJ and CT, these were real savy business men

The big loss for CN was the mob tax , extortion and loss of influence with some powerful unions plus the fish and javits thing

But let's not kid ourselves there are a few families out there that still have a ton of labor power - laborers , carpenters etc.and again it's because their services are needed , they make GCs life's easier with how Fd up building is in the area . But it was the tax on most NYC goods and services that hurt that money flow IMO, concrete and garbage alone in NYC could have been a $100M . That's why I think they are and will still be players in the drug trade but the shit people don't care about , opiates , weed and some coke . I could see them setting something up with an overseas crew that does all the importing and most of the distro and kick back some to NY guys for their territory and LE knowledge amongst other things

I have several friends in the carpenters Union and black caddys are still there and if you walk around Manhattan and you know some of the companies some would be shocked at how big of contracts they are involved with but again it's legit , they learned their lessen . With the amount of wiretapping today , why get involved in murder thats auto life instead of keeping things mostly legit where u can plea out to 3-8 year type deals

I might be the only one but settin aside lotto stuff , I believe gaming is even bigger then it was before , they can now reach people everywhere and a gambler doesn't have to ever talk to a wise guy and most would be shocked at what a typical agent is today( I get furious when the Feds bust and picture these guys as they are legit blue and white collar hard works that manage maybe 10-20 gamblers on the side , it's a joke . And it's this internet thing that got some families so hot for CT , middle and SJ and even PA and no one and I mean no one outside of a guy like PB or Bronx knows who the real bank is in Rica . I have my strong hunch and if you read any of these big gambling busts the last 5 years and there have been plenty , they never say who put up the cash , never , freaking brilliant business guys here and the real smart ones dump this shit into hard real estate assets , again brilliant and something I'm trying to do today , up to 3 but boy is it not easy and honestly the $ ain't there until the mtg is paid off , i buy distressed properties in areas with easy NYC committing , put 7-10k in to make it look real nice ( purely cosmetic stuff ), make maybe a $100 a month after all expenses and right now can't wait for all my depreciation expenses to add up to plow into the mortgage , when they free and clear is when I'm sure you feel like the man . Word of wisdom , even tho u make less $ short term , never do a 30 year mtg . Your purchase analysis should always be based on whether you can make a $100 to a few on 15-20 year loans , 30 year loans are the scam of all scams ( and I did 2 myself backnown day. )

Fair disclosure I am looking at a place in jersey shore that is brand new ( 4 on market ) where people still have sandy aftershock until the beach is extended and dunes up . It's in a hot area and I'm hoping if remaining 3 don't see I can get for under $175 a sq foot as I know in 10 years it will be be $500-600 a square foot like it several years ago, but shore investing is going to be a big change as you need to make sure those 3 months can sustain the other 9 months of payments , not easy , especially with a cheap as fuck old Italian that still won't pay for hbo lol . As PB has said before its kind of addicting and full filling when u land these good deals and trust me they are everywhere , u just need the capital and time , unfortunately I'm a Wall Street cat so time is an issue , can't wait till old man finally retires or as he hopes is fired later this year but he 67 and been saying that for years

Last edited by DB; 05/12/15 05:54 PM.