Originally Posted By: cookcounty
Originally Posted By: getthesenets
@ cook,

I'm going to ask you, as a favor, to resist your natural tendency to troll.The same way I've asked others in different threads to not troll and just stick to the topic. Serious topics need to be discussed seriously, and the trolling just obscures the points.

In serious threads....I read the posts of everybody, even those who are on my ignore list.

About your points, first... Binnie's avi is Edward G. Robinson aka Little Caesar...NOT Al Capone, as you assume. His avatar has NOTHING to do with the topic or his comments. When people bring up avis, they are out of valid points to make and are just reaching.

Second, I don't think the shooting of cops has much to do with the recent high profile instances of incidents between officers and civilians. The shooting AT the cops in Ferguson is one of the obvious exceptions.

These sick animals who are busting at cops don't care about any of these news stories.They wouldn't care if the cops slapped you up tomorrow on camera and it became the top story on CNN....now would they care if the police threw your mom down a flight of stairs on camera. Person that would open fire on a cop would in fact blast you, your family, kids,etc with NO remorse if they felt like it.

MFers shooting at cops aren't thinking about anything except that they are holding weapons and facing a long stretch in prison if they are arrested.Or they are just depraved lunatics.

If you're a street dude, like you claim to be in your posts...you could never open your mouth to say that the recent shootings of cops are a response to some of the high profile brutality and shooting cases that have been in the news. I am FAR from being a street guy and even I know that what you are saying is bull.

u just wrote a paragraph about nothing

please find where i said anything in agreement with shooting of police?

p.s.....marlo was just about the lamest character in the wire

And once again cookcounty misses the point completely. How are you still here again? Better yet how are you not in jail?