Originally Posted By: salvi62
hey Brooklyn.....

For the longest time I've been trying to get some more info on Tommy "TK" Reynolds.

Over the years I've run into people from who lived through that era and was told that he was the best street fighter of the whole crew.

Did you know him , or have anything to add to whats already out theme

I was told he got his nickname from knocking guys out with one punch.

Hes the one who shot both the Shemtov woman and Paulie G.

Also, was he Italian? Maybe just his Mom?

His Mom also made a hugh scene at his court hearing.

Would love to hear what you've got to say. If you are the right age and lived a block away on Cropsey maybe you have some cool stories.


Tommys nickname was tk short for technical knockout. He is italian/Irish. Out of the entire crew he was the toughest. He truly feared no one. I didn't know him on a friend basis as I am a few years younger than him but everyone in the neighborhood knew who he was. It was a shame what happened to their entire crew they all ended up turning on one another either through the streets( Paulies murder) or by cooperating. That's what the life does to friends. tommy wasn't a bad guy as far as those guys go but the drugs got ahold of him by the time of the Robbery on Staten Island . He never took a backstep to anyone but he wasn't the type of guy who went out looking for problems. Hope that was helpful.